ORDER NOW and receive the following gifts in appreciation:
$50 - Signed first edition CD
$100 - Signed first edition CD and your name in the liner notes.
$500 - Signed first edition CD, your name in the liner notes and a signed collection of Deb's lyrics.
$1,000 - Signed first edition CD,
your name in the liner notes
and a signed collection of Deb's lyrics
PLUS a free home concert (convenient to Deb's schedule).
$2,000 or more - Signed first edition CD,
your name in the liner notes,
a signed collection of Deb's lyrics,
PLUS a free concert for your organization.
(Deb waives her performance fees. Your organization pays concert expenses
and keeps all of the profit. Date and location convenient to Deb's schedule.)
Please make checks payable to:
Silverstream Music Inc.