"We The People's Forum"...

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We The People's Forum Mission Statement:
To be a voice for respect and dignity for all People.
To create a rich tapestry of personal experiences
that preserves and renews our committment to these

Earth Spinning

A message from Deb...

As the global human family our mission is unification.


Not to be confused with homogenization, but unification – where diversity is embraced and respected as vital, but where we also realize that greater than any imagined divisions between us are the commonalities that bind us together as the human family.


Many of us marched 30 years ago and demanded of the generation preceding us a better world than what we were being handed. So now we are responsible to create that which we said we desire – it was and is our vision, therefore it is our job to ensure that it happens.   


“Difference”, i.e. “division” must be resolved. While each of us is unique, we are not different, one from the other. We are One.


This is the legacy that we have to leave the next generation for the future of the planet, our Earth Mother, and all her inhabitants. 

November 2006


The 2004 Election
This is not a time to retreat.
Prejudice and ignorance
cannot be allowed to reign.
Now more than ever
we need to stay strong and firm in our resolution
that this is a country for ALL Peoples,
and that ALL the People come under
the protection of its laws.
We cannot afford to discriminate
against any segment of the population,
be it for race, religion, gender, culture, or sexual orientation.
If we believe and practice that it is safe to discriminate
against a particular segment of the population,
then NONE of us are safe.
This is a critical time in our development.
We need to stay focused in our fight for
dignity and respect for all.
Raise your Voice. Take action. Care.


Rose, Large

Share Your Stories, Your Thoughts...
Help To Build A Wealth of Testimonials about People Caring....
We, the People. have a responsibility now more than in any other time of our history to speak up and to become the vigilant guardians of the precious principles of democracy.  Prejudice and bigotry run rampant in this country, but we believe they are the reflection of a vocal and politically active minority.  There is a new "Silent Majority" in this era and it must break the silence against hatred and discrimination that is slowly overtaking our society.
In the days to come this site will provide a forum for people of all backgrounds, races, creeds, religions, philosophies, ages, political, cultural, social and sexual orientations to share their experience, strength and hope through personal stories of overcoming prejudices, of learning to work together with others of diverse backgrounds, of cooperation and coalition building, of living in respect of others' choices.
Please forward this site to others so that we can gather and post their stories.  Let us show to those who would govern through fear and violence that they will not prevail.
Justice cannot belong to the highest purse or even the loudest bully. It must remain a Principle: Impartial. Fair. Just.  It must be available and applicable to ALL Peoples.

We welcome your contributions
Please submit to: 


Take the ACLU Pledge to
Refuse to Surrender Your Freedom
by Earl Pike
Executive Director
Aids Task Force of Greater Cleveland
by Sarah Anderson

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